If found the story in an.
Citing a story. Then list the author of the website in the contributors element, preceded by the label. The city of publication should only be used if the book was. Write the editor’s last name, then a comma before the first name initials.
Citing a quote in apa style. If you cite several chapters from the same book, include a separate works cited entry for each one. Write the title of the short story without quotation marks or other formatting, and place a period at the end.
Start the works cited entry with the author and title of the chapter, followed. The entry for a story or for the comments will have two. After a comma, write and italicize the title of the collection;
To cite a book chapter, start with the author and the title of the chapter (in quotation marks), then give the title (in italics) and editor of the book, the page range of the chapter, the. Put “ed.” in parentheses and add the year. An anthology of changing ideas, edited by charles harrison.
This looks slightly different depending on the citation style you’re using. List the author of the story, the story’s title, and the name of the website containing the story. Capitalize the first word and any proper nouns.
The basic form for a book citation is: “title of the part of the book being cited.” title of anthology. City of publication, publisher, publication date.