Jane eyre, edited by margaret smith, oxford up, 1998.
Cite a story in a book. Author last name, first name. Type the city of publication, a colon, the name of the publishing company, a comma, and the year, followed by a period. An mla book citation always includes the author (s), title (italicized), publisher, and publication year in the works cited entry.
To cite a short story from an edited collection, after giving the author and title of the story, list the title of the book, the editor (s), the publisher, the year, and the page range on which the story appears. For instance, the name of the story you are citing would look like tales of a city. Give the page numbers on which the story appears with a period at the.
Enter the last name, followed by a comma and a space, then the first name followed by a period. The author and title of the reading are the most important pieces of information. In the reference list, start with the author’s.
Cite the book as you normally would, but add the editor after the title with the label edited by. bronte, charlotte. Works cited list example : The rest of the works cited entry is identical to a.
For instance, if the author's name is john doe, the entry would be:. List the author of the short story. Title of the book, name of publisher, year of the book published, page number (s) example:
In apa format, the author is listed at the beginning of the citation; Revised on june 16, 2023. To cite an essay with an author in a textbook with authors rather than editors, follow the mla format template and list the authors of the textbook in the “other contributors” slot:.