The first name Celeste is listed in our categories.
Celeste name meaning and origin. This first name is on trend. Comments and insights on the name Celeste. Celeste means heavenly of the sky.
Celeste is a French name now seen across the English-speaking world. Famous real-life people named Celeste. Gender Boy Girl Both.
Celeste in song story screen. If you would like to suggest one or more categories for the name click hereWe have plenty of different baby name categories to search for special meanings plus popular and unique names search our database before choosing but also note that baby name categories designed to help you and not to be an influential. Meanings and history of the name Celeste.
Popularity of Celeste Name. Celeste as a girls name is pronounced seh-LEST. French Céleste Portuguese and Spanish.
Family name origins meanings. It is of Latin origin and the meaning of Celeste is heavenly. Proper name from French céleste 11c sky heaven from Latin caelestis heavenly see celestial.
Origin Any African American American Indian Anglo-Saxon Arabic Armenian Basque Celtic Chechen Chinese Dutch English French Gaelic German Ghanaian Greek Hawaiian Hebrew Hindi Hindu Hungarian Indian Irish Italian Japanese Korean Latin Muslim Native American Nigerian Persian Polish Punjabi. From the female personal name Céleste Celeste meaning celestial heavenly Latin caelestis. Origin of Celeste Name.