Between Split and Jelsa on Island we have found 1 catamaran departures the travel time is around 1 hour and 40 minutes the travel distance between the catamaran port in Split and the catamaran port in Jelsa is 283 NM.
Catamaran split jelsa jadrolinija. Here you find information about all ferries and Catamarans which departs from and arrives at Split or at ferry ports in the Split region which means that you find schedule for ferries to more or less all Dalmatian islands below. Brzi brod katamaran Split - Bol Brač - Jelsa Hvar Jadrolinija 9603 - plovidbeni red i cijene. General terms RegulationPolicy on Passenger Baggage and Cargo Transport.
The local catamaran is little and affected by rough sea it is not always possible to know in the evening that there will be rough sea in the morning 6 am. Boarding on the lines with reservations. Journey time from Split to Jelsa is 1 hour 50 minutes.
Important notice for passengers traveling on iternational lines. In the high season it runs 1 journey per day in total 7 times per week from Split. Since 1970 it has become a cruising excursions and day trip company with high speed catamarans.
21st Century Jadrolinija. Notice for passengers traveling to Italy. In most cases high season is divided in too two periods with different Schedules.
Have you seen the same offer cheaper. There is no switching of departure ports. Free rebooking up to one day before the trip.
Tickets cost 30 kn - 40 kn and the journey takes 1h 30m. Catamaran from Split by Kapetan Luka Company Kapetan Luka Krilo is a Croatian shipping operator with its head office based in Krilo Jesenice near Split. Connects ferry port Split on the Croatian mainland with ferry port Jelsa Hvar on the island of Hvar.