Camilla was the name of a warrior maiden Queen of the Volscians who fought in the army of Aeneas in Roman poet Virgils Aeneid.
Camilla meaning of name. Sometimes it happens that another name has the same meaning. Meaning History. This was the name of a legendary warrior maiden of the Volsci as told by Virgil in the Aeneid.
Please feel free to read what others say about this name and to share your comments if you have more information. There is nothing surprising in this. The name Camilla is primarily a female name of Italian origin that means Perfect.
CAMILLA Name Meaning and History. Camilla as a girls name is pronounced ka-MEEL-ah. People like you at first meeting.
Feminine form of CAMILLUS. It is of Latin origin and the meaning of Camilla is helper to the priest. Camilla - Detailed Meaning Your first name of Camilla has made you good-natured friendly and kind.
Camilla name is a feminine form of Roman Camilluswhich is probably originates from an Etruscan origin means freeborn servant of the temple. Both names have the same origin or the same numbers of numerology. The English name Camelita is a form of Camilia.
Feminine of the old Roman family name Camillus of obscure origin. 112 rows A female variant of Camillus Camilla is a Latin name meaning young religious. Camilla Name Meaning Camilla name meaning is In American meaning is.