International access code / country code / area code and number.
Calling german cell phone from us. The +49 is only necessary if you are calling a german number from abroad. To call united states from germany, dial: If you make calls or texts to countries outside the u.s.
Learn how to call germany from the us with this guide. Follow the same steps for calling or texting. Next dial 49, the country code for germany.
00 + 1 + area code + local. Press + or 011 on your phone’s keypad, then the country code and local number. When adding the contact's phone number, start by entering a plus sign (+).
When calling someone outside of germany, be sure to use the correct international dialing format: Important things to consider when calling germany from the us. The number i was given is 011 49 170 1152xxx.
Open your phone's address book. To call germany from united kingdom, dial: Follow the dialing format shown above while calling germany from.
Phone number ( remove initial 0 ): In order to call germany, dial 011 +49, then the phone number. Calling germany is easy and inexpensive with the right information: