English Hebrew Spanish German or another origin.
Bridget meaning of name. The name Dashiell is a boys name of Scottish origin. B ernadette as a girls name is pronounced ber-na-DET. This site has been set up as a free etymology and onomastics resource to look up the history and meaning of names.
People think this name is. This place-name was originally derived from the Old English Seaxe tun which literally means Saxon village. Swedish form of Old High German Bathilda meaning fight-battle BENEDIKTA.
If you are searching for your purpose in life looking into the meaning of baby names wanting to make a name change or just interested in name meaning we can help you choose a powerful and successful Balanced Name. We offer name meanings for over 45000 different baby names surnames and city names. This dictionary is from Hitchcocks New and Complete Analysis of the Holy Bible written by Roswell D.
Even if you are here just to browse we hope that you will enjoy a unique spin on a fascinating study field. Variant of Bridget made famous by the 1950s French film celebrity Brigitte Bardot. Here is fairly comprehensive list of first Christian names used in the English-speaking world Great Britain the United States Ireland.
The first name is derived from a Norse personal name while the second name originally designated a follower of St. Swedish feminine form of Scandinavian Benedikt meaning blessed. It also includes an indication of the traditional meaning of these names.
The French named the region where the Briton immigrants settled Bretagne Brittany in English meaning little Britain BRITTNEY. It contains more than 2500 Bible and Bible-related proper names and their meanings. Find out if your name means beauty hope power bravery or something different.