Your face will appear more symmetrical and your mouth and jaws will look more natural.
Braces changed my face. Fixing your bite normally brings about positive facial changes. Here you go my braces peeps. Here are some common problems that braces change effectively.
Yes having teeth extracted for braces can effect your face. My face changed in that way within about 4 months of getting braces in 2014. I know you have seen the sunken in face of an edentulous ie no teeth patient.
Your lips are supported by your teeth and they can effect greatly the position of your lips. Overbite causing the upper lip to stick out and cheeks to look sunken an overbite makes people appear to have no chin and an undefined jawline. Adolescents who have protruding crooked crowded or gappy teeth are great candidates for braces which can bring about very subtle changes in the facial profile and restore symmetry whilst simultaneously creating a beautiful smile.
Underbite When you have an underbite your chin juts out making it look larger and causing what is often called a moon. Treatment with a certified orthodontist means that the face and not just the teeth are integrated into the plan. It also helps improve your chewing function.
Extractions with braces can cause your face to grow downwards creating flat cheeks thin lips weak jaw and weak chin. Type into youtube Dr John Mew despatches. Open Bite An open bite is when the mouth always appears stretched and in severe cases it prevents the mouth.
When these are corrected dramatic changes take place on your facial muscles that can. Braces can change your face shape and improve your overall look. Usually this occurs because the doctor who did your braces didnt know what he was doing and wasnt concerned with facial aesthetics.