Unique baby names ending in O and the o sound are among the very hottest right now with the likes of Leo and Theo Harlow and Margot rocketing up the popularity charts.
Boy names with o at the end. Adoption of these boy names was at its apex 25 years ago ADOPTION OF 15 and is somewhat less today ADOPTION 08 48 with names such as Minor becoming somewhat dated. Forty years later boy names ending with a have become mainstream favorites. The more fashionable baby names among these are Atticus 326 Cyrus 389 Cassius 596 Magnus 782 and Titus 312 while Dycus TOP 9 and Matus 6 are common -us last names.
-or names are used more often as masculine names. After an age with names like Robert and Steven at the top of the charts Joshua ushered in a new era. O r ending baby names and what they mean with 105 results.
Our openness to boy names ending in o means that some of these could wear very well indeed. Boy Names Ending with -bo. BabyCenter is committed to providing the most helpful and trustworthy pregnancy and parenting information in the world.
Boy Names Ending in O Without doubt O-ending names are the hottest of the boy names ending in a vowel right now. In 2018 within all -son names the English Mason was the most commonly used with a ranking of 9 and a usage of 06447. Conor 336 Baylor 690 Major 350 and Konnor 900 are four of the more chic boy names.
Find a list of boy names below that end in o. There were 40 -son names ranked within the top 1000 baby names then. At the recent height of their usage in 2018 4459 of baby boys were given -son names.
The names have been increasing in popularity since the 1950s. If you are satisfied with the ah sound rather than being a stickler about the name ending in A you need to look no farther than Noah and Elijah which are in the top 10 most popular boy names. Vowel endings once were rare but now our most popular names include Noah and Elijah Levi and Eli.