Best graduate degrees. Help your students get ready to transfer to start a bachelor of science degree. A number of graduate-level degrees in a variety of fields are available to those who possess a bachelors degree in biology. Mainly there are two graduate degree options.
Of course to choose the best degree one must first know what their graduate goal is and where it will lead them. Ad STEM students overcome gaps and achieve mastery with Labster virtual labs. The University of Wisconsin is one of the best online schools for masters degree program in terms of the number of degrees available.
As we have noted before the top three graduate degrees that pay off are a Masters in Business Administration MBA which can lead to a position of a Chief Executive Officer CEO with an average salary of over 173000 not including bonuses and other incentives. Petroleum Engineering is first on our list of rankings for the best college majors. In first place and the top degree subject to graduate with this year is petroleum engineering.
The list of high-paying graduate degrees is crammed with healthcare jobs. People who earn masters degrees in the engineering field are more likely to qualify for senior or higher-level engineer positions. It is common for therapists to then pursue a doctorate in clinical therapy 2 years because the success of private practice hinges on the accolades and rapport of the practitioner.
Not surprisingly physicians are at the top. While the market is insanely competitive the financial rewards for majors in this field can be incredibly high. A Master of Science in Nursing is a valuable degree that sets graduates up to become high-paid nurse practitioners or advanced practice registered nurses.
In Chemical Engineering is the highest terminal degree in this field. Biomedical engineering biostatistics environmental science and. Others become faculty as professors in different universities or they become members of research centers around the world.