Add to My Favourites Gender Female Origin French Meaning Clear bright.
Baby names with claire. Meanings and origins popularity pronunciations sibling names surveysand add your own insights. Do you need a Middle Name to go along with the baby name ClaireTry the baby middle name generatorYou can use our middle name generator to find middle names that match the first name Claire. Dive deep into your imagination with.
Essential Baby has thousands of baby girl names for you to choose from. Baby Names Starting With Claire. Here is the list of first names which are an anagram of Claire.
Similar Names Clare is pronounced similarly to Clair Clayre Klaire and Klayre. What does Claire mean. Anna Claire Brianna or Brady Claire Carly or Charlee Claire Emily or Emma Claire Fiona Claire and so on.
If you like traditional and classic names heres a few random ideas. Bright or clear also distinguished. Alceir Alceri Alcire Alecir Aleric Alicer Arceli Arciel Aricel Aricle Ariel C Cailer Careli Cariel Carlei Carlie Celair Celiar Celira Cerial Cerila Cirlea Clare I Clarie Cleira Cleria Crelia Eclair Elacir Elcira Elicar Elrica Ercila Erica L Ericla Lairce Larice Leacir Lecira Lerica Raciel Railce Ricael Ricela.
More info about the name Claire Claire is a French form of Clara. Claire BoucherGrimes Canadian artist musician and singer-songwriter Claire Danes American actress Claire Holt Australian actress. Clara is a more modern spelling formerly the spelling Clare was more frequent.
Plus discover thousands of other boy and girl baby names. Baby names that sound like Claire include Clair Clar Clare Klair Klaire Callyr Clara Clari Clarie Clarrie Clarry Clora Cloree Clorey Clori Clorie Clory Kalare Kaleer and Kellar. ClaireBear Clarabella Cay Clairy Eclaire Clay Clarisse Clara and Clarita.