For example kind gentle are often used together and gentle leads you to names like Gareth Clement Kevin.
Baby names meaning kind and gentle. Dragon or linde meaning soft tender. Raven is associated with dark but does not mean dark. Boy Names associated with Gentle.
The 1 online source for baby names and meanings unique baby names most popular baby names lists celebrity baby news and more. Kevin is actually made of elements that could mean kindgentlehandsome born. Usage of Belinda Belle etc.
As girls names in 2018 was down. Abigail My fathers delight. A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z.
Derived from Gaelic caomh meaning beautiful gentle kind. Greek female name means Gentle Mild. G entle baby names and what they mean for gentle kind compassionate with 24 results.
F ind out list of baby names which mean GENTLE. Kind Anifa and Asifa are creative variations. Search Belly Ballot to discover the popularity meanings and origins of thousands of names from around the world.
Intriguing international options include Keiji Neema Sadbh and Tashi. 2 more Belinda. Names may be associated with a word eg.