Malachi MAL-ah-kai My messenger.
Baby names meaning god saves. Plucked right from the pages of the Hebrew and Christian scriptures these biblical boy names inspire intrigue and delight. Liora is a beautiful name that means someone who is a gift of light. Luke Lucas Lucius.
A beautiful gift of God. Elisai is a Hebrew name. Malchiah mal-KI-ah YaHWeH is my King.
Means God has added or God increases the family in Hebrew derived from Hebrew el God and yasáph to add. She was John the Baptists mother and Marys cousin. Since the origin of the name is unknown there is a lot of speculation about its meaning.
You may want to reflect the sentiment that your child is a blessing in his or her name. Click the name to view its details. The name means Jehovah is god.
The Biblical name means god is salvation. The name brings to mind love and divinity and has the root amar similar to romance language versions of the word love. Looking for more baby names.
Joshua was derived from the Hebrew name Yehoshua from the roots yeho referring to God and yasha meaning to save. Here are a few baby girl names and meanings from the bible. This special name is from the masculine name Amaziah meaning promised by God This is another name you dont see very often and it is a real shame.