Baby boy names starting with s punjabi. For popular Punjabi baby boy names you can create names whose meanings may refer to traditional masculine livelihoods like soldiering and war. Meaning - A FEARLESS BEING. Lord Vishnu Combination of first 3 letters of Sriman and last 3 of Narayan Lord vishnu.
Sikh Names Beginning With S. Meaning - WINNER OF EVERY THING. Saihajdhun ਸਹਜਧਨ One with blissful tranquillity.
One who sings Gods praises. Happy Singhis a pretty common name among the Punjabis and this can be said to be one of the best Punjabi boy names. Sikhism is very small comunity mostly in India and Pakistan.
Meaning - FREE OF FEAR. Obeisance to Guru. City of ujjain Princess of ujjain.
Punjabi Names with Meaning. Saaheb Saheb Sahib Sahab. Meaning - TRUE ELIXIR OF NAAM.
Ten Gurus from Guru Nanak to Guru Gobind Singh. Aarman ਆਰਮਨ Hope or desire. One of the cutest names that the Punjabi men carry are Happy Joy etc.