Our research results for the name of Ayana Ayana name meaning Origin of Ayana Pronounced etc.
Ayana meaning of kannada. A yana as a girls name has its root in Kiswahili and the meaning of the name Ayana is beautiful flower. Famous People and fact Named Ayana. Other kanji combinations are possible.
Ayana possibly originates in one of the African languages and means beautiful blossom. Ayana is a beautiful girl big brown eyes and thick brown hair on top of her gorgeous looks she is a kind girl at heart but rarely expresses her feelings and to express her feelings it is often mixed with aggression and makes her come off as mean. The meaning of the name Ayana is.
The meaning origin popularity and detailed name information of Ayana. As you may know millions of Kannada speaking people in India and around the world are looking for Kannada to English online dictionary So here at IndiaDict we proud to provide you the best and free Kannada to English dictionary here. Here are 8 possible meanings.
Find Meanings for Islamic Name Ayana. Ayana is Muslim name which means - LuckyGood DayDay Of Judgement. Is fit nameYou can give to your baby with complacency.
The movie is directed by Gangadhar Salimath and featured Apoorva Soma Goutham Shashidhar and Vedashree Rao as. What does the name Ayana mean. IndiaDicts Kannada to English Dictionary.
From an African-American perspective Ayana is thought to come from the Eastern African Somali language meaning beautiful flower or eternal blossom. A short performance that is part of a longer program. Ayana name origin is Hindi and lucky number 6.