Ava is generally used as a girls name.
Ava meaning of name. Meaning of name AVA Meaning of baby name AVA. Meaning Of AVA meaning of first name AVA biblical meaning of AVAFemale name AVA girl AVA. The origin of the name Ava comes from the Hebrew hawwâh.
May be from the Latin avis meaning bird. 112 行 Ava is a Latin variant of Eve meaning to live. In English Baby Names the meaning of the name Ava is.
We have further details to share with you about the meaning of the name. Some claim that the name came out of the ancient Hebrew name Hwwah which translates to live or life. It is considered that the name Ava is a variant of a Hebrew.
If playback doesnt begin shortly try restarting your device. It is considered that the name Ava is a variant of a Hebrew name Eve. The name Ava is of Hebrew origin.
Latin Baby Names Meaning. It is also of German origin where its meaning is possibly desired and Persian origin where its meaning is voice sound. Given names Avis and Aveline.
Meaning of Ava. Beautiful radiant joyful Known as the greatest woman warrior in the world Aoife was the mother of Cuchulainns read the legend only son Connlach. The name has religious significance in the Judeo Christian Muslim tradition after the use of Eve as the female companion of the Biblical Adam.