Meaning of Ariana.
Ariana name meaning in persian. Ariana is derived from the name Ariadne. The name Arianna is also connected to a region of eastern countries of the Persian empire. Ariana name meaning in Persian popularity and rank stands at 12667 and lucky number for Ariana is 8.
Ariana is a Muslim Girl name and has Persian origin. Ariana is the feminine version of Aryan. In the Persian context it is used as a feminine name that means land of the Aryans.
Common nicknames include Ari Anna Na Na R and Ree. The name of a region in greater Persia might have been Ariana Arianna Aryanna or Areyanna. This name has Sanskrit and Greek origins and it.
9 rows Ariana Name Meaning is Very holy one. Common nicknames include Ari Anna Na Na R and Ree. Arian sounds similar to Iran doesnt it.
Ariana Grande is not Persian. Ariana is a variant of Aryan the name given to the Indo-European people of which Afghanistan is a part. Latin Baby Names Meaning.
Alborz The highest one. A general geographical term used by some Greek and Roman authors of ancient period for a district of wide extent between Central Asia and the Indus River comprehending the eastern provinces of the Achaemenid Empire that covered entire modern-day Afghanistan east and southeast of Iran Tajikistan and northwestern Pakistan. ARIANA is a Persian name probably the most Persian name there is.