There really should be one command for apt update and apt full-upgrade.
Apt-get upgrade vs full-upgrade. Whenever a package is updating while using an apt upgrade apt full-upgrade or apt dist-upgrade you will see a progress bar informing you of the progress of the process. You could call it apt update-all or apt upgrate or something. In this tutorial we look at apt-get upgrade and apt-get dist-upgrade commands and seek to understand the difference and when each is used.
Apt-get upgrade vs apt upgrade vs apt full-upgrade apt-get upgrade only upgrades the apps tools and utilities. Apt-get install package_name apt install package_name Remove a package. What is the difference between apt update and apt upgrade.
Apt upgrade upgrades the apps tools and utilities and installs new Linux kernel of the OS. Apt-get remove package_name apt-remove package_name. Apt-get update updates the package sources list to get the latest list of available packages in the repositories and apt-get upgrade updates all the packages presently installed in our Linux system to their latest versions.
This command only upgrades the packages which have a new release available as stated in the sourceslist file in the etcapt folder. To upgrade all the packages on your system and if needed for a package upgrade installing extra packages or removing packages run. It does not install new Linux kernel of the OS.
A deep dive into the difference between command line apt-get and command line apt for updating and upgrading with update upgrade dist-upgrade and full-upgrade commands. Apt upgrade will upgrade currently-installed packages and install new packages pulled in by updated dependencies. Or just make full-upgrade also update.
Another visual feature has been added to the new apt command to make it pleasant for end users. Sudo apt dist-upgrade Apt-GetApt Full-Upgrade. Kernel upgrades are packaged as new packages and as a result apt-get upgrade will never upgrade the kernel.