Apple Green 91° Hue, 68% Saturation, 48% Lightness the HSL (Hue, Saturation, Lightness) color space, is different to express digital colors. Apple Green 42% cyan, 0% magenta, 81% yellow, 20% black the CMYK (Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, Black) color space, is for color printing.
In RGB color space, hex #8db600 (also as Apple green) composed 55.3% red, 71.4% green 0% blue. in CMYK color space, is composed 22.5% cyan, 0% magenta, 100% yellow 28.6% black.
In RGB color model, Apple Green a red of 138, green of 184, a blue of 0. CMYK color model (also as process color, in color printing) comprises 25.0% cyan, 0.0% magenta, 100.0% yellow, 27.8% key (black).
The RGB Values Percentages Apple Green. system a value, percentage colors, make every color the graphic design spectrum, the can said apple green. the RGB (red, green, blue) system, apple green color percentage comprised apple green the RGB system (141,182,0).
Apple green a vibrant refreshing color evokes crispness a freshly picked apple. shade often with nature, growth, renewal. fashion interior design, apple green adds touch liveliness energy any setting. versatility it popular choice various applications, bringing .
Click Green Apple coloring pages view printable version color online (compatible iPad Android tablets). might be interested coloring pages Apples category. Coloring page posted Thursday, November 2, 2017 - 09:56 painter.
Rectangle. Palette. Rectangle color harmony a color scheme based the rectangular shape. is up four colors: complementary colors: Apple Green (#77cd26) Puissant Purple (#7c26cd), split-complementary color: Seaweed (#26cd7c), an analogous color: Prince Charming (#cd2677). type color scheme often in web design advertising.
What Apple Green Color? Apple Green the hex code #8DB600. equivalent RGB values (141, 182, 0), means is composed 44% red, 56% green 0% blue. CMYK color codes, in printers, C:23 M:0 Y:100 K:29. the HSV/HSB scale, Apple Green a hue 74°, 100% saturation a brightness of 71%.
The color apple green hexadecimal color code #8db600 a medium dark shade yellow-green. the RGB color model #8db600 composed 55.29% red, 71.37% green 0.0% blue. the HSL color space #8db600 a hue 74° (degrees), 100% saturation 36% lightness. color an approximate wavelength 563.78 nm.
The hexadecimal RGB code Apple Green color #8DB600 the decimal rgb(141,182,0). red-green-blue components 8D (141) red, B6 (182) green 00 (0) blue.
Apple Green Color Codes - The Hex, RGB and CMYK Values That You Need
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