Anita need to spell ANITA.
Anita no meaning. On this page you will get all the related information about the name Anita like Name Number Lucky Color and Impression etc. No worries Thanks for that No worries cuz This means no problem. Anita name meaning is Favourite پسندیدہ.
Anita is a Muslim Girl Name. Anita Heiss has written a powerful and affecting tale of Aboriginal identity. A general assessment of the Personality and Passion of people with the name Anita is also mentioned below.
Taken brought near etc. Is fit nameYou can give to. Meaning of the name Anita.
Our research results for the name of Anita Anita name meaning Origin of Anita Pronounced etc. Try to be her friend because shes honest friendly intelligent beautiful cute etc. In Hebrew Anita derives from the name Hannah which means grace or graceful.
Is Anita name fit for baby name. Anita ProperNoun A female given name from Spanish. Anita Name Meaning Origin Baby Name Wizard.
In Sanskrit Anita means full of grace mercy favor variety a leader without guile. Not even ow Jack went to Jail Not even ow Im not sure I can really translate the meaning of this unique New Zealand phrase as it simply is what it says. Anita dont mind if day or night.