Ammon Unseen concealed or hidden.
Ancient egyptian names male. Aapep Acenith Ammon Amon Amun Amunet Arsinoe Asanet Asenath Asenet Azenet Bast Bastet Bes Beset Cena Chavi Egypt Egypt Hathor Hatshepsut Heru Horus Husn Isis Ka Ka Kiki Memphis Memphis Nefertiti Nephthys Nereis Osiris Panhsj Phoenix Phoenix Ptah Rameses Ramses Sacmis Sakhmet Sekhet Sekhmet Seth Tadinanefer Tawaret Taweret Thoth Thutmose. Thutmose was the name of four Egyptian pharaohs of the New Kingdom including Thutmose III who conquered Syria and Nubia. Thutmose m Ancient Egyptian Anglicized From Τούθμωσις Touthmosis the Greek form of Egyptian ḏḥwtj-ms meaning born of Thoth itself composed of the name of the Egyptian god Thoth combined with msj be born.
Built his pyramid at Saqqara instead of Abusir. AAA a chief of the signet-bearers. Add to my list Related names.
AAH the moon. Boy Descendant of Ra descendant of. A name given to the King of Kings.
AAHMES child of the moon. 22nd century BC A 7th dynasty king of Egypt during the First Intermediate Period. Boy Names Starting With K.
Add to my list Related names. Ancient Egyptian male names The ancient Egyptian names for males could signify anything from the status of the person to relationship with gods or simply a reference to some place. Perhaps the most important and most beautiful name that the Egyptians gave to ancient Egypt and they traded a lot is dashr-kima meaning red and black to refer to the word dashr to the red color of the desert from which the name of the desert was derived in the Latin languages Desert Desert and they refer to the word kima To the fertile black earth saturated with minerals and from this name came the name.
Brother of a king. They managed to adapt and make use of the Nile river using its predictable patterns of flooding to cultivate the lands in such successful ways that it lead to surplus crops. Here are some of the Egyptian names males commonly use.