Below you can find the rankings of Amina in different countries.
Amina meaning of name. On the last available year for each country we count 2373 births. Rank of the name Amina in the US. Amina is the name of the mother of the Prophet Mohammed.
They are the same name Amna and Amina and have the same meaning and pronunciation. A feminine form of Amin Amina is an Arabic name meaning truthful one. Amina name meaning is Honest Faithful Mother Of The Prophet Muhammad.
Amina means safe one someone who is protected from all that causes fear. Get proper spelling and pronunciation of name Amina. Amna is usually another spelling of the Arabic girl name Amina which means safe one protected one it is the name of the mother of Prophet Muhammad peace and blessings of Allah upon him and his family and companions.
Amina is a beautiful Christian Girl name that is adored by parents. Meaning of Amina. How many people in the US have the name Amina.
The second is also Arabic in origin from the masculine name Amin امين meaning truthful honest trustworthy. The first comes from the Arabic female name Amina h from amina أمن meaning feel safe. Between 1880 and 2019 there were 44325 births of Amina in the countries below which represents an average of 319 births of children bearing the first name Amina per year on average throughout this period.
Amina Name Meaning in English Name is an identity of an individual that gives himher identification among others. Meanings and history of the name Amina. How many letters are in the name Amina.