Amelia Name Meaning In Urdu عملیہ Amelia Muslim Girl Name

Amelia Name Meaning In Urdu عملیہ Amelia Muslim Girl Name

Amelia Name Meaning Amelia Meaning Definition

Amelia Name Meaning Amelia Meaning Definition

Amelia Meaning In Urdu With 3 Definitions And Sentences

Amelia Meaning In Urdu With 3 Definitions And Sentences

Amelia Meaning Of The Muslim Baby Name Amelia

Amelia Meaning Of The Muslim Baby Name Amelia

Amelia Meaning Of The Muslim Baby Name Amelia

Amelia Meaning Of The Muslim Baby Name Amelia

Amelia Meaning In Urdu Amelia امیلیا English To Urdu Dictionary

Amelia Meaning In Urdu Amelia امیلیا English To Urdu Dictionary

Amelia Meaning In Urdu Amelia امیلیا English To Urdu Dictionary

Amelia is not mentioned in the Quran or any Islamic sources.

Amelia meaning in urdu. Its meaning is Trustworthy Beautiful. Trustworthy beautiful 2. Arabic references online say it is a Latin word.

Amelia is an noun Pathology according to parts of speech. Amelia In Urdu. Since Amelia has a good meaning it is acceptable for Muslims to use even if it is not from Arabic or Islamic sources.

Amelia originally comes from the name Amalia which was derived from the Germanic name Amala. Amelia In Bangla. The closest Islamic name is Amal which means hope.

Arabic references online say it is a Latin word. After English to Urdu. Amelia In Hindi.

The meaning of Amelia is Trustworthy beautiful. Googles free service instantly translates words phrases and web pages between English and over 100 other languages. Etymologists believe that the name Amelia is unrelated to the Latin nomen Aemilia from which originates the English birth name Emily.

More meanings of carry amelia moore nation its definitions example sentences related words idioms and. Amelia The meaning of the name Amelia is Trustworthy beautiful. The name is Urdu originated name the associated lucky number is 5.

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