Aisha Name Meaning Origin Popularity Girl Names Like Aisha Mama Natural

Aisha Name Meaning Origin Popularity Girl Names Like Aisha Mama Natural

Name Aisha Meaning Origin Description Popularity 87

Name Aisha Meaning Origin Description Popularity 87

Japanese Bath House This dictionary.

Aisha meaning in japanese. This was the name of Muhammads third wife the daughter of Abu Bakr. The following table may be helpful for those studying Chinese or Japanese. This name is mostly being used as a girls name.

I sounds like ee in meet but shorter You can search for another name if you like. There are many different modern variant respellings of Aisha. It is pronounced AISHA.

A sounds like a in father but shorter. Information about this dictionary. Famous People and fact Named Aisha.

The first name Aísha has been assigned to. Consonants are pronounced more or less the same way as in English. I would play the music of the sky.

It is derived from the element aisha with the meaning alive. The name Aisha ऐश relate to divine supreme regal referred to lord Shiva. Aisha was the wife of Islamic prophet Muhammad.

Romaji transcription of あいしゃ. The name Aisha means Lively which in kanji is 活発 which is read kappatsu. We also offer Japanese Tattoo designs of Aisha that have both the pronunciation in kana and the meaning in kanji.

The Meaning Of Aisha Name Meanings

The Meaning Of Aisha Name Meanings

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What Is Love In Japanese

Meaning Of Airi Japanese Names Are Generally A Combination Of Lovely Items That Invoke Pleasing Sights And Sounds

Meaning Of Airi Japanese Names Are Generally A Combination Of Lovely Items That Invoke Pleasing Sights And Sounds