Most of the names listed above are of African and Spanish origin.
African american boy names that start with i. American Names for Boys Starting with A. Afia Friday born child. Name - ALEXAVIER Meaning - PROTECTOR OF NEW HOUSE.
Name - TAMARR Meaning - DATE PALM. Following is a list of 50 beautiful baby names and their meanings followed by alphabetical lists featuring many other great name ideas for African American boys. Name - TAIWO Meaning - THE ELDER OF TWINS.
If you are searching for African American Boys Names you are in the right place. Name - OBATAIYE Meaning - KING OF THE WORLD. List of African-american baby names start with letter B and meaning.
Find unique African American baby names starting with K. Abioye The son of royalty. African - One To Be Honored.
Zechariah Zephaniah and Zyan. Child of many trials. These African American names are perfect for newborn babies and some can even be used as cool trendy names for pet cats and dogs.
On my fathers side many names were passed down this naming tradition seems to be fading unfortunately. African American Names for Boys Starting with D. A list of African American Boy Names.