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Add gift card to paypal wallet. Gift card exchange kiosk 5. Select “link a credit or debit card.” click on debit card. Buy other gift cards 3.
Click “wallet” near the top of the page. Give it as a gift 6. Log in to your paypal.
Get a money order 4. Add cash 1 to your paypal balance with the paypal debit card 2 or in the app at retailers with 90,000+ locations nationwide. Amazon gift card to paypal log in to your paypal account.
Simply pay with prepaid gift cards with a visa, american express, mastercard, or discover logo just like any other debit or credit card during checkout. Here’s how to trade in your unwanted visa gift card: Add it to your paypal wallet 2.
How to exchange visa gift cards for cash 1. Get the card get the app a paypal balance account is required. Go to cardcash enter the merchant’s name enter the balance on your gift card click “get offer” if an offer is available,.
You can add visa (and mastercard, discover, or amex) gift cards and prepaid cards to your paypal wallet, the same way you would a traditional debit or credit card.