Aarav आरव is currently the 1 masculine name in India.
Aarav name ka meaning in hindi. It is a name that indicated the leadership qualities of an individual and the positive impact of the name of the personality. Meaning of Hindu Boy name Aarav is Peaceful. Know Rashi Nakshatra Numerology Religion Gender Similar Names and Variant Names for name Aarav.
What are your qualities. Aarav name meaning in English is Peaceful Good personality.
Aarav name meaning is Peaceful Good Personality. It is the perfect name to give it to your son as this name possesses good qualities. Aarav is also associated with the concept of wisdom.
Variations of this names are AArav. Aarav Meaning in Hindi.
July 3 2021 By. Aarav name meaning in Hindi is शतपरण. Aarav meaning - Astrology for Baby Name Aarav with meaning Peaceful.
The name Aarav is a boys name of Hindi origin meaning peaceful. As such Aaravs meaning is generally associated with wisdom. Aaravs name meaning signifies the tranquility and calmness in nature.