How far along the flow direction they can go if they have to return in 4 hrs.
A boat moves with a speed of 5km/hr. Velocity of boat in still water is 5kmhr. A boat which has a speed of 5 kmhr in still water crosses a river of width 1 km along the shortest possible path in 15 minutes. A boat moves with a speed of 5kmh relative to water in a river flowing with a speed of 3 kmh and a width of 1km.
A person rowing at the rate of 5 kmhr in still water takes thrice as much time in going 40 km upstream as in going downstream. Ad Luxury Cobalt Boats in Lake Geneva WI. A 5 km B 75 km C803 D 15 km.
Ad Speed - Play Now For Free Online In Your Browser. It crosses a river of width 1km along the shortest path in 15 minutes. The minimum time taken around a round trip is.
Some persons hire a boat for 4 hours. If the river is running at 1 kmhr it takes it 75 min to move to a place and back. Find the speed of the stream.
Graphs in Relative Motion. B 12 S 5 Output. Speed of the boat in still water 5 kmhr.
New and used models for sale. The velocity of the river water in kmhr is. In order to calculate the speed of the boat upstream and downstream we should know the speed of the boat in still waterB and speed of the stream S Examples.