If you are searching for Rare Russian Names for Boys you are in the right place.
What are some russian boy names. Here are some Russian names provided in this Buzzle article for your special one. Unisex Baby Names. To protect Notable persons with this.
The largest country in the world Russia is a fusion of ballet vodka caviar and lots of red color. The name is Slavic variation of the Greek. Russian Baby Boy Names.
This Russian baby name is similar to Nicholas of course but unique. 25 реда If you are Russian or love the Russian language here are 150 incredible names to choose. Victory of the people.
A large number of Russian surnames also end in evich ovich or just ich. Russian Names for Boys Starting with N. Turns out I like it quite a bit.
The nation of hammer and sickle brings in naming tradition with a revolutionary touch. Moving with the Trend According to the official civil registry figures in Russia in 2012 maximum baby boys were registered by the name Alexander Aleksander. Its Greek for victorious people.
Sorry getting off track. Brave Film director Andrei Konchalovs. Kuzmich and Verenich are common Russian surnames.