Aside from just being a month of the year January means Month of the wolf and God of the doorway.
Pretty names and meanings. Eden is a biblical name meaning delight. Two beautiful meanings belong to this uncommon girl name. Phoebe the radiant the Latin Patricia the Thai Vanida meaning golden girl Wendy the fair one Tye the valley field Maxine the royal Takemoto Mink the pearl Margaret and Lin or Lynn the beautiful jade are also very popular names for a baby girl.
They also conjure the image of a pretty girl. Welsh name for darling one. A Celtic name means crooked nose.
Exotic Girl Names Names Based On Mythology. 27 Bella Latin Meaning. Arabic name for beautiful.
Hebrew name for pretty. 29 Bonnie Scottish Meaning. The English meaning of the name Ellie is most beautiful woman.
If you wish to instill spark in the life of your baby girl right from birth name her Levina an English name meaning flash or lightning. With Spanish origin Jade means Stone of the colic as it was believed that the green stone could cure colic in babies if placed on their stomachs. Flirty and mischievous a lot of fun to be around.
Roman goddess of love and beauty. It means heap of love in Arabic. Here is a list of good fantasy girl names from mythology.